I was pretty much bed bound. At that point I wasn't able to cook meals for myself, look after myself. My mold symptoms were quite severe. If I was exposed to mold I would experience complete paralysis. I would only leave the house for medical appointments, and if so i was using a wheelchair. My experience has not been linear. I would say, for me, things creep along incrementally. The real turning point, about a year ago, Dr. Jaban sent me in the direction of regulating my nervous system & doing the emotional work. Learning to regulate my nervous system, my body started to work with me rather than against me. I still have a ways to go, but I just spent 2 months in Spain & used my wheelchair maybe once or twice. I am driving again for the 1st time in 5 years, I am starting to gain my independence back. I even went skiing for a couple of days. Sometimes when you're healing you can forget why you're doing it when you've been sick for so long. You forget what doing the things you love feels like and looks like. If you believe you can get well, you can get well.